University of Delhi

NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71 NIRF Rank # 12 (Amongst Colleges)

Code of Professional Ethics

Code of Professional Ethics

Non-Teaching Staff and their responsibilities

Code of Conduct for non-teaching staff is mainly governed by the University of Delhi's Acts, Statutes, Ordinances, and Service Rules.

  • Every employee shall at all times maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty, and do nothing unbecoming of an employee of the College. They should be punctual and disciplined towards their work.
  • Every employee shall maintain the appropriate levels of confidentiality concerning student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
  • Every employee must refrain from any form of unlawful discrimination relating to gender/sexuality/age/marital status in the behaviour towards his/her colleagues, teaching staff, and students.
  • Every employee shall refrain from verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical misconduct of a sexual nature in his/her interactions with students, other college staff, and visitors at the college. The college has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.
  • Except for valid reasons and/or unforeseen contingencies, no employee shall be absent from duty without prior permission.
  • For all the staff members, without prejudice to the generality of the term ‘misconduct’, the following acts of omission shall be treated as misconduct;
    1. Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification.
    2. Furnishing false information .
    3. Willful insubordination or disobedience of any lawful and reasonable order of superior.
    4. Damage to any property of the College .
    5. Interference or tampering with any safety devices installed in the premises of College .
    6. Drunkenness or riotous or disorderly or indecent behaviour in the premises of the College .
    7. Gambling within the premises of the establishment .
    8. Smoking within the campus .
    9. Commission of any act which amounts to a criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
    10. Commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behaviour.

    Note: The above instances of misconduct are illustrative in nature and are not exhaustive.

  • An employee publishing a book or participating in public media shall at all times make it clear that the views expressed by him are his own and not that of the College.

Students and their responsibilities

  • Attend classes and tutorials as per the allotted timetable and scheduled timings;
  • Submit assignments and assessments in due time and follow faculty members' instructions on submission carefully;
  • Approach and interact with teaching and non-teaching staff in a respectful manner;
  • Explore various opportunities provided by the college to enlarge their scope of learning and improve their personalities;
  • Use the library, visit the canteen, participate in sports activities, read notice boards, and gather with friends at hanging out points during their free time without disturbing the overall discipline of the college;
  • Promote a spirit of active academic learning and holistic engagement in the classroom and tutorials;
  • Be mindful and appreciative of the caste, gender, religious, regional, and intellectual diversity in the college;
  • Remember that they represent the values and ethos of the college while representing the college in events and programmes, and their conduct will be treated as representative of the same;
  • Carry Identity Cards when in college; In case the student loses or damages the Identity Card, a duplicate will be issued on the application upon payment of the fee; Further, in case of loss, the duplicate is issued after submitting a copy of F.I.R. lodged with the police;
  • Keep track of Notices posted on various College notice boards and websites regularly;
  • Peruse each mail sent by the college to the registered email IDs carefully;
  • Timely submit all information sought by the college when asked for via email or another medium;
  • Help to keep the campus neat and clean; Must always throw garbage/waste papers/items in the nearest dustbins as per the Color Coding Scheme (Green: Biodegradable, Blue: Non-Biodegradable);
  • Follow the respective rules and regulations of the Library, Hostel, Computer Centre and Sports;
  • Inform college officials of any undesirable / suspicious activity on the College Campus;
  • Hand over any lost item found in the College Campus to the administrative office;
  • Maintain friendly, congenial, and amicable relations with other students and foster the same spirit among students' community;
  • Play the respective sport only in the Sports playground or the relevant space provided for the same;
  • Not create any disturbance near classrooms while teaching is in progress;
  • Not misbehave with faculty members, whether in person or through electronic channels;
  • Not remove notices from the notice board;
  • Not take away or move college equipment/gadgets/furniture without prior permission of official authorised/competent for granting permissions;
  • Not deface/destroy/mishandle/vandalise the college property;
  • Not smoke or consume liquor, narcotic substance, tobacco, intoxicants, etc. on College Campus; These are very serious and punishable offences;
  • Not engage in or promote activities like ragging, eve-teasing and sexual harassment; These are punishable offences;
  • Have a minimum of two-thirds 66.66% of the total lectures, tutorials, and practicals delivered separately, failing which the student will not be permitted to sit for the University Examination;
  • Need minimum required attendance (as per University rules) for playing sports at any level (state, national or international);
  • Attend the following college functions: Founder's Day Celebrations, Annual Cultural Festival, Sports Day, NCC Day for NCC Students, NSS Day for NSS Students, the Annual Day Function, and other college events;
  • Obtain clearance from the college before the University examination based on their attendance record;
  • Inform the Principal/Teacher In charge in writing for not attending classes for more than four consecutive weeks, or else their names shall be struck off the rolls of the college;
  • Apply for leave in advance and submit it to the Principal, in case of illness. An application for leave along with a medical certificate (Issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner) signed by a parent and countersigned by concerned teachers should be submitted within "one week" of rejoining the college. And students should submit fitness certificates on resuming classes;
  • Use of Mobile phones during lectures is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this will lead to disciplinary action.

Teachers and their responsibilities

Whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself / herself in accordance with the ideal of the profession. Teachers are under constant scrutiny of the students and the society at large. So, it is imperative that the actual practices are in alignment with the expected conduct. A teacher’s own ideals must inspire students to inculcate behaviours as laid out in the national ideals of education. The dignity of the profession further requires that the teacher be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and be amiable in disposition.

Teachers shall:

  • Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community
  • Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research
  • Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences, etc., towards the contribution of knowledge
  • Maintain active membership of professional organisations and strive to improve education and profession through them
  • Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorials, practicals, seminars and research work, conscientiously and with dedication
  • Strictly discourage and not indulge in plagiarism and other unethical behaviours in teaching and research
  • Abide by the Act, Statute and Ordinance of the University and to respect its ideals, vision, mission, cultural practices and tradition
  • Co-operate and assist in carrying out the functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the college and the university, such as assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counselling students as well as assisting in conducting university and college examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation
  • Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, including community service;

With respect to Students

Teachers shall:

  • Respect the rights and dignity of the student in expressing her/his opinion;
  • Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, gender, political, economic, social and physical characteristics;
  • Recognise the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs;
  • Encourage students to enhance their competence and accomplishments, develop their personalities, and at the same time, contribute to community welfare;
  • Inculcate scientific temper, inquisitiveness and ideals of democracy, patriotism, social justice, environmental protection and peace among students;
  • Pay attention to only the attainment of the student in the assessment of merit;
  • Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration.

With respect to Colleagues

Teachers shall:

  • Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated;
  • Speak respectfully to other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment;
  • Refrain from making unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher authorities;
  • Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or sex in their professional endeavour.

With respect to Authorities

Teachers shall:

  • Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules, procedures and methods;
  • Cooperate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand;
  • Cooperate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping in view the interest and in conformity with the dignity of the profession;
  • Give and expect due notice before a change of position takes place;

With respect to Non-Teaching Staff

Teachers shall:

  • Treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a cooperative undertaking, within every educational institution.
  • Help in the functioning of joint-staff councils covering both the teachers and the non-teaching staff.

With respect to Guardians

Teachers shall:

  • Try to see through teachers' bodies and organisations that institutions maintain contact with the guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.