Assistant Professor | Department of Mathematics
Contact (Off.): 8587851233
Email Address : rampratap[at]hrc[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in
View Resume
Career Profile
- Hansraj College, University of Delhi (October 7, 2022 - present)
- Mirandra House, University of Delhi (December 4, 2020-October 6, 2022)
Subjects Taught
- Discrete Mathematics
- Probability Theory and Statistics
- Mathematical Finance
- Partial Differential Equations
- Transportation and Network Flow Problems
- Latex and HTML
- Real Analysis
- Linear Programming and Applications
- Statistics With R (SEC)
- Complex Analysis
Certain Approximation Methods of Convergence For Linear Positive Operators
Book Chapter:
Ram Pratap and Naokant Deo(2020), Q-analogue of generalized Bernstein Kantorovich operators, Proceedings of Mathematical Analysis-I Approximation Theory, 67-75, Springer.
Journals Articles
- Naokant Deo and Ram Pratap (2023), The family of Szász-Durrmeyer operators involving Charlier polynomials, Kragujevac journal of Mathematics, 47(3):431-443.
- Naokant Deo and Ram Pratap (2022), Approximation by integral form of Jain and Pethe operators, Proceedings in Nation Academy of Sciences India Section A: Physical Sciences, 92: 31-38, Springer., doi:
- Ram Pratap (2022), The family of λ-Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators based on certain parameters, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, AIMS, doi:
- Minakshi Dhamija, Naokant Deo, Ram Pratap and Ana Maria Acu (2022), Generalized Durrmeyer operators based on inverse Polya-Eggenberger distribution, Afrika Matematika, Springer, doi:
- Neha, Naokant Deo and Ram Pratap (2022), Bezier variant of summation-integral type operators, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palemo Series 2, Springer, doi:
- Naokant Deo and Ram Pratap (2021), Approximation by mixed positive linear operators based on second-kind beta transform, Asian European journal of mathematics, World Scientific, doi:
- Ram Pratap and Naokant Deo (2021), A family of Bernstein-Kantorovich operators with shifted knots, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palemo Series 2, Springer, doi:
- Ajay Kumar and Ram Pratap (2021), Approximation by modified Szász Kantoro- vich type operators based on Brenke type polynomials, Annali dell Universita di Ferrara, Springer, doi:
- Naokant Deo and Ram Pratap (2020), Alpha-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators, Afrika Matematika, 31: 609-618, Springer, doi:
- Ram Pratap and Naokant Deo (2019), Approximation by genuine Gupta-Srivastava operators, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas, 113: 2495-2505, Springer, doi:
- Ram Pratap and Naokant Deo (2019), Rate of convergence of Gupta-Srivastava operators based on certain parameters, Journal of Classical Analysis, 14(2): 137- 153, Ele-Math, doi:
- Minakshi Dhamija, Ram Pratap and Naokant Deo (2018), Approximation by Kantorovich form of modified Szász-Mirakyan operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 317: 109-120, Elsevier, doi:
Reviewer of the following Journals:
- Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
- Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
- Journal of Mathematics