University of Delhi
NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71 NIRF Rank # 12 (Amongst Colleges)Title of Paper | Author Name | Journal Name | ISSN | Link to article | Year |
The Need for Dana | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | PARIPREKSYA | 0973-8762. | - | 2017 |
Philosophy in Schools | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | PARIPREKSYA | 2278-0602 | - | 2017 |
Does Religion Construe Dharma? | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | ANUSILANA | 0973-8762 | - | 2018 |
A Revist to the Custon of Dana in Hindu Culture | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Vedanjali | 2349-364X | - | 2020 |
Bhakti Yoga | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Shabdarnav | 2395-5104 | - | 2020 |
Role of Renunciation in Asarma System | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Shabdarnav | 2395-5104 | - | 2021 |
Role of Karma kand in Emancipation | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Vedanjali | 2349- 364X | - | 2021 |
Importance of Diet | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Vedanjali | 2349- 364X | - | 2021 |
Role of Mind in Crimanal Activity | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Shabdarnav | 2395-5104 | - | 2021 |
The Family Values in Vedic Culture | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Kala Sarovar | - | 2021 | |
Surya: The Vedic God | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Kala Sarovar | - | 2021 | |
Vedic Culture and Ecology | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | VEETHIKA | 2231-1130 | - | 2021 |
MIND | Dr. Sharma Bhanu Bhupendra | Kala Sarovar | - | 2021 | |
Sartre ke Darshan mei Manav Swtantrata aur Uttardayitya | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Madhya Bharti | 0974-0066 | - | 2015 |
Vaishwik Shanti aur Samajik Samrasata : Mahatma Gandhi ke Sandarbh Mein | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Darshnik-Traimasik | 0974-8849 | - | 2016 |
The Spiritualistic Humanism of Swami Vivekananda and The Existentialistic Humanism of Jean-Paul Sartre : A Comparative Analysis | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Indian Philosophical Quarterly (IPQ) | 0376 – 415x | - | 2017 |
Gandhi’s Ideas on the need of Value based Education : An Ethical Reflection | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Aligarh Journal of Philosophy | - | 2018 | |
Consciousness and Existentialistic Freedom : A Critical Reflection of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Thought | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Centre for Studies in Civilizations | 0972- 3609 | - | 2018 |
Rashtriya Shiksha Niti 2020 aur Mulya-parak Shiksha : Swami Vivekananda ke Vishesh Sandarbh mein | Dr. Satyendra kumar Srivastava | Ministry of Education, Government of India | 0523-1418 | - | 2021 |
Subordination of Women: Simon De Beauvoir | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Edu World | - | 2013 | |
Spread of Buddhism in the Context of Shinto in Meiji Japan | Dr. Upendra Kumar | PSSH perspective of social sciences and humanities | - | 2013 | |
Concealed Errors in Kant’s Epistemology | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Edu Care | 2319-5282 | - | 2016 |
Possibility, Validity and Limit of Knowledge in Kant | Dr. Upendra Kumar | International Conference on Arts, Culture, Literature, Languages, Gender Studies/Sexuality, Humanities and Philosophy for Sustainable Development | 978-93-85822-52-0 | - | 2018 |
Vivid Application of Ethical Theories in Public Domain | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Shodh Prerak | 973- 8762 | - | 2018 |
Simone De Beauvoir’s Critique of Transcendence | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Anusilana | 973- 8762 | - | 2019 |
Kabir ka Sahitya evam Darshan | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Jigyasa | 0974- 7648 | - | 2019 |
Buddhist Concept of Avyakrta and Kant’s Concept of Unknown: Problem and Solution | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Madhya Bharti | 0974-0066 | - | 2020 |
Concept of Limitation in Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy: A Critical Appreciation | Dr. Upendra Kumar | Darsaniki | 2230 7435 | - | 2021 |
Nyāya Darśan me Śābdbodh ke Ādhārbhut Tattva | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Paramarsh | 2320-4443 | - | 2007 |
Nyāya Darśan me Varn aur Śabd-Śakti ki Bhūmikā | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Darshanik Tryimasik | 09748849 | - | 2008 |
Samkhya Darśan me Śabd Vimarś | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Anushilan | 09738762 | - | 2009 |
Apohvād ke Alok me Arthābhivyakti | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Pratibha | 0974522X | - | 2009 |
Mimāsa Darśan ke Samdarbh me Vāchyārtha ki Avadāranā | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Anushilan | 09738762 | - | 2012 |
Vākyārth : Ek Dārśanik Mathanṁ | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Pratibha | 0974522X | - | 2015 |
Śabd Arth ka Sāmbandhik Dristikon | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Shabdarnav | 2395-5105 | - | 2017 |
Dharma as An Overriding Principle of Morality | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Vedanjali | 2349-364X | - | 2017 |
Bhratrhari ke Paridrśya me Bhāsātmak Sampresan | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | EDU WORLD | 2319-7129 | - | 2018 |
Sphot Gavesanā | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Madhya Bharti | - | 2018 | |
Dharma Aur Vijñān ka Dārśanik Drstikon | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | Pratibha | 0974522X | - | 2019 |
“Dharma Ek Dārśanik Āyām | Dr. Rajesh K Tripathi | International Refereed Journal “Pramana” Acharya Academy Bharat | 2249-2976 | - | 2019 |
Towards an Understanding of ‘Hindu Philosophy | Mr. Shivam Sharma | Education Plus: An International Journal of Education and Humanities | 2277-2405 | - | 2018 |
Understanding National Identity through Indian Philosophy | Mr. Shivam Sharma | Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A refereed International | 2349-0209 | - | 2019 |
Radhakrishnan’s Perennial Philosophy of Religion | Mr. Shivam Sharma | International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences | 2347-5404 | - | 2020 |
Universal Religion of Swami Vivekananda: A way towards Religious Integration | Mr. Shivam Sharma | International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences | 2347-5404 | - | 2020 |
The Concept of “Dharma” and “Liberation” with reference to the teachings of Sikhism | Mr. Shivam Sharma | International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences | 2347-5404 | - | 2021 |
The Notion of Morality in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche : A Critical Study | Mr.Deepak Kumar Sethy | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal | 2249-9598 | - | 2018 |
Prasna Upanishad: An explanation of the mantras in the Prasna Upanishad along with its core philosophy. | Mr.Deepak Kumar Sethy | IGNOU in the Indian Philosophy course | 978-93-90496-25-9 | - | 2020 |
Introduction to the philosophy of Upanishads: a general overview of the core philosophy of the Upanishads | Mr.Deepak Kumar Sethy | IGNOU in the Indian Philosophy course | 978-93-90496-25-9 | - | 2020 |
Reconceptualising Selfhood and Identity in Indian Tradition: A Philosophical Investigation | Mr.Deepak Kumar Sethy | Tattva – Journal of Philosophy | 0975-332X | - | 2021 |
Mine, Me, I: Śamkarāchārya on the Notion of Self and Identity: A Critical Study | Mr.Deepak Kumar Sethy | Tattva Journal of Philosophy | - | 2022 | |
Sartre: La Nausea and Existentialism | Dr. Preeti Rani | Journal of Educational Technology and Research, | 2278-232X | - | 2016 |
Husserl on Transcendental Ego | Dr. Preeti Rani | International Multilingual Research Journal | 2394- 5303 | - | 2016 |
Sentence and Sentence Meaning: Bhartrharian Perspective | Dr. Preeti Rani | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research | 2277-7881 | - | 2016 |
How to be Happy | Dr. Preeti Rani | A Journal of Holistic Vision and Integral Living of Mankind (SpecialIssue) | 2278- 6058 | - | 2017 |
Jain Darshan Mae Vastu Svatantrayavada | Dr. Preeti Rani | Samyak Bharat Masik Patrika | 2277-2553 | - | 2017 |
Micheal Smith on Realism | Dr. Preeti Rani | International Journal of Research | 2348-6848 | View | 2017 |
The Existential Framework in Nagarjuna’s Sunyavada: A Way of Living an Authentic Life | Ms. Surbhi Uniyal | Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal | 2249-9598 | - | 2019 |
Extending Mind to the World: A Critique of Cartesian Internalism of Mind | Ms. Surbhi Uniyal | Knowledge Mind and Reality | - | 2019 | |
Extended Mind Hypothesis and the Problem of Personal Identity | Ms. Surbhi Uniyal | Gauhati University Journal | 2456-3285 | - | 2019 |