University of Delhi
NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71 NIRF Rank # 12 (Amongst Colleges)Teaching Career
27 January 2022 onwards:
Associate Professor, Department of History, Hansraj College, University of Delhi
2008 to 2022:
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hansraj College, University of Delhi,
Guest Lecturer, Department of History, Church Missionary Society College, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala-686001
External Roles and Memberships:
2022: Convener and Member, NEP UG History Courses' Revision Committee, Department of History, University of Delhi for the following Courses:
2019: Member, Board of Studies for LOCF UG Courses, Department of History, University of Delhi for the following Courses:
2014: Member, Board of Studies for MA and BA History Courses, MG University, Kottayam, Kerala
2011: Subject Committee Member for History Courses, Equal Opportunity Cell, University of Delhi.
Awards and Recongitions
Crrently co-supervising one PhD titiled "Monsoon in Colonial Malabar: History, Memories and Everyday Life", University of Calicut, Kerala
Member, Doctor Advisory Committee for a PhD, Department of History, Sree Shankara University, Kaladay
PhD: Geographies of Accumulation: Nature, Infrastructure, and the Urbanisation of Cochin, c. 1860-1945
MPhil: Churning the Backwaters: Empire and Harbour Building in Cochin 1920-1939
“Port Building and Urban Modernity: Cochin 1920-1945‟ in Bose, Satheesh Chandra and Shiju Sam Varghese, eds. Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces, Practices in Transition. (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2015), ISBN No. 978-93-86392-65-7.
"Climate Change Studies and the Anthropocene," in Prasad Pannian, ed. Are Your Human: Manushyethara Manavikataykku Oramukhan (Kottaym: DC Books, 2021), ISBN No. 978-93-54321-47-4.
“Colonialism and Environment: Green Imperialism,” in History of Environment, CBCS course material of Indira Gandhi National Open University. Website link:
"Locating Delhi Farmers Protests of 2020-21 as an Environmental Justice Movement", NCC Review Vol. CXLIV, no. 5 (June 2024), ISSN N0. 0975-1882.
"An Urban Environmental History of Mining: metal Mining and Urban Appropriation of Nature in Zawar, Rajasthan", Rajasthan History Congress Proceedings Vol. XXXVII (February 2024), ISSN 2321-1288, 216-225.
"The Challenges of Democratic Path: Decolonisation Studies and Historicising the Constitution of India", Third Concept, Vol 38, No. 445, March 2024, ISSN 0970-7247, 7-13.
"Capitalism, Climate Crisis, and Methodological Challenges in Environmental History", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 58, No. 27, 2023, 8 July, ISSN (Online): 2349-8846:
‘Badge of Labour: Marginal Lives of the Labouring Poor in the Port of Cochin, South Asia Chronicles, Vol. 18, 2022, pp. 329-346, ISBN No. 978-3-86004-349-3
“Race and Slavery in the Reparatory History of the United States” (Malayalam), Sahitya Lokam, Vol. 6, 2020, pp. 6-2-, ISSN NO: 2319-3263.
"Richard Grove and Environmental History of the Global Periphery- (Hortus Malabaricus muthal El Nino Vare- Published in Malayalam)", Chengazhi, Vol. 1, No. 6, 2021, pp. 21-29. ISSN No. 25819585
“Badge of Labour: Marginal Lives of the Labouring Poor of Cochin,” in Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) Online Repository on the History and Historiography of Labour, 2020: Webpage link:
"Steam Shipping and Uneven Urbanisation: Cochin, Southwest India, c. 1860s to 1914", Journal of Indian History, Vol. XCVI-VII, 2018-2020, pp. 11-29, ISSN NO. 0022-1775.
"Democracy and Unfreedom: The History of Ancient Greece for our Times", Jounral of Indian History, Vol. XCIV-XCV, 2015-2017, pp. 25-58. ISSN No. 0022-1775.
Book Reviews:
'Agola Mooladhavaum Dakshinendyayile Thottamthozhilalikalum (Global Capital and Peripheral Labour: History and Political Economy of Plantation Workers in India)' by K. Raviraman, Economic and Political Weekly LVIII, No. 33 (Aug 2023), 31-34. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
'Coolies Great War: The Social History of World War I,” Tapasam Vol. XVII, no. 1 &2, 2021, 72-180. ISSN No. 2249-9873.
Popular Articles:
International Conferences
National Level Conferences and Workshops
Faculty Editor, Hansraj Undergraduate History Journal
FDP/MOOCs attended
Field Work Experience and Archival Research
Lectures and talks available online:
Kerala Council for Historical Research Lecture: "Urbanisation of Backwaters":
Department of History, University of Kalady: "Critical Geography and Rethinking the History of Urbanisation":